Greenways in Forest Lake Village FLV GREENWAYS/DESIGNATED RECREATION AREAS We have had a number of issues develop concerning encroachment on subject areas that may violate our Protective Covenants. In an effort to acquaint our residents with Association Policy related to these areas, the following guidance is offered. 1) The Greenways/Rec areas are owned by the Forest Lake Village Homeowners Assn. & ALL Forest Lake Village property owners are members of the Assn.
2) These areas were set aside by the Developer for specific purposes outlined in our Covenants & conveyed to FLVHA to remain accessible to all FLV property owners.
3) No changes, i.e. tree removal, grading, addition of structures including seawalls/docks or other construction, dumping and the like is allowed without express written consent of FLVHA.
4) It is the responsibility of each property owner to KNOW the location of their property lines so as not to encroach upon Greenways/Rec areas in a manner that violates the Protective Covenants or the rights of other property owners.
5) It is the intent of FLVHA to allow & even encourage “allowable” improvements to subject areas so long as NO property owner is denied access & use of these Areas and written approval is obtained from the FLVHA.
6) Making improvements to designated Rec. Areas/Greenways does not in any way convey ownership or special rights to any particular resident. To do so would require approval by 2/3 majority of property owners, plus a change in the Covenants.We hope the above guidance will help you and the FLVHA avoid any further issues on the matter.
*FLVHA Board of Directors
